
Reactive Apps with Model-View-Intent - Part 2: View and Intent

In the first part we have discussed what a Model actually is, the relation to State and how a well defined Model can solve some common issues in android development. In this blog post we continue our journey towards “Reactive Apps” by introducing the Model-View-Intent pattern to build Reactive Apps.


Reactive Apps with Model-View-Intent - Part 1: Model

Once I have figured out that I have modeled my Model classes wrong all the time, a lot of issues and headache I previously had with some Android platform related topics are gone. Moreover, finally I was able to build Reactive Apps using RxJava and Model-View-Intent (MVI) as I never was able before although the apps I have built so far are reactive too but not on the same level of reactiveness as I’m going to describe in this blog post series.


Why a library developer should use abstract class instead of interface

Use interfaces for java development they said. It will be more flexible they said. Well, that all might be true but for library projects that doesn’t necessarily has to be true as well. In this post I will explain you why I have switched from interface to an abstract class as base class in one of my library projects called AdapterDelegates 3.


From Prefab House to Lego House

Before joining my current employer I have worked for an app agency and one thing I have noticed is that we were building every app entirely new from scratch even if we were building a similar app for the same customer with similar UI. We hadn’t reusable components. In this blog post I want to share some thoughts and lessons learned while building such reusable components.


Presenters don't need lifecycle events

I have been asked several times why Presenters in Mosby (MVP library) don’t have lifecycle callback methods like onCreate(Bundle), onResume() etc. Also the awesome guys over at SoundCloud have published a library called LightCycle that helps break logic out of Activity or Fragments into smaller containers bound to the parents Activity’s or Fragment’s lifecycle.


Model-View-Intent on Android

As developers we should always think outside the box. A month ago Artem Zinnatullin and I have discussed some architectural trends on android and on other platforms, like .NET and javascript, in his Podcast The Context. A few days later Christina Lee gave an awesome lightning talk Redux-ing UI Bugs during square’s The Journey of Android Engineers event.


Let Mosby Flow - An alternative to Fragments

The usage of Fragments in Android apps is highly controversial. While some developers love them, others hate them. In this blog post I will give you a short introduction of how to use Mosby 3.0 to build MVP base screens and square’s Flow library as navigation stack replacement. Preface: Usually I use Fragments in my apps and 99% of the time they work well.



Last week I was honored to be guest at Artem Zinnatullin’s podcast The Context where we talked about software architecture on android. In this episode I have highlighted how important a presentation model in MVP is by giving an example how to deal with RecyclerView Adapters dataset changes. Afterwards people asked me how exactly do I apply animated dataset changes and why a presentation model is helpful in this case.


Refactoring Plaid App - A reactive MVP Approach (Part 2)

This is the second part of how we could refactor the Plaid app open sourced by Nick Butcher. In this part we are going to enhance the MVP architecture described in the first part to become truly reactive. Preface: I started the refactoring with the strong belief that I can refactor the whole app.
